FB IMG 1543241362840Shilpa Chitnis

I have been working as a GDP for last 20 years. 

However, what I am passionate about is a bit more than just teeth!
I love making a difference to people’s lives. This includes my patients, peers and team members. 

We find most dentists struggle to ask for help! We often don't realise that the struggles we all face are similar to some extent.

I feel I can connect to people easily and help them when they find themselves in a tricky situation. 

I guide them to see the bigger picture and help overcome stress.

I am confident mentoring will be my way to give back to my community and dental fraternity. 

I am “Here to Ear” -  A lot of times it's a patient ear which can help sort out the most complicated situations.

 I am here to help.

Who We Are:

Dental Mentors UK is run by two experienced dental mentors.
We are:

We believe that all dental professionals would benefit from regularly working with a mentor from a personal as well as a professional point of view. Mentors are experienced dental professionals who can guide and support you throughout your career.

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